The focus of Meaningful Coaching is to assist others in developing both of these types of relationships. This is accomplished through facilitated group events, one-on-one coaching, consulting, and speaking engagements.
A way to support your goals and a vision for yourself
An individual or team may choose to use a coach for many reasons:
An urgent challenge, stretch goal or opportunity is at stake
A gap exists in knowledge, skills, confidence or resources
A recent promotion to a new level of leadership demands new skills and ways of being
A desire to accelerate results
A lack of clarity with choices to be made
Success has started to become problematic
Work/life balance challenges
To raise one's emotional intelligence

A way to manage how you are being in front of others
By choosing training in Relational Presence, individuals will experience:
Greater confidence when speaking in public
Better connection and rapport with others
Decreased anxiety and fears of public speaking
Greater executive presence
Greater clarity of content
Their own authentic charisma
Better reading of an audience
Ease and spontaneity being the center of attention
A way to manage how you communicate & influence others
By choosing training using personality theory (SDI, MBTI, DISC, EI, Hogan), group members will experience:
Greater leadership and influence
Effective ways to manage people through change
Improved conflict prevention and management
Ways to build trust with others
Heightened emotional intelligence
Tools to develop collaborative relationships
Responses to meet the demands of others

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